A Patriot’s Thanksgiving Day Prayer for 2022
This isn’t the first time I’ve written a Thanksgiving prayer of my own. But it has been years. I hope you and your family find this inspiring.
This isn’t the first time I’ve written a Thanksgiving prayer of my own. But it has been years. I hope you and your family find this inspiring.
Note received from someone marveling at the natural beauty of California: “GAH! Why does this state have to be so ducked up?” Here is my response . . .
I wrote this in November 2020, a day or two after a dear high school friend passed away. For a few days, I shared it under the title “This Year Sucks.” I changed that about a week later when I thought about reading it years from now and wanting to preserve the suck of this 2020 moment. It was at that point that the banal Ode to 2020 title became Odious 2020, and since that truly summed it all up, it stuck.
. . . because the idea of taking 250-year-old words and placing them into only a modern context defeats the purpose of having historical documents in the first place.